Mass Save Heat Pump Rebates

Mass Save offers a variety of rebates on various energy efficiency upgrades, including heat pump systems. These incentives are available for both new and existing homes, and are a great way to boost your home’s energy efficiency without spending a fortune on costly upgrades.

Whole-Home Rebates: These rebates are available to homeowners who want to replace their existing heating and cooling systems with an efficient heat pump. These rebates are typically around $15,000, though they can be even larger for moderate- and low-income households.

These systems are also known as “mini splits.” They’re incredibly energy efficient, and can be installed throughout your home. They don’t require ductwork, which means they don’t waste energy transporting heated air out of your house and cold air in to cool it.

A mini split mass save heat pump rebates can make your home much more comfortable, and it also helps you reduce your carbon footprint. It’s an excellent option for people who are concerned about the environmental impact of their current heating system, and want to switch to a more efficient and cleaner source of heat.

You need to be a residential customer in Massachusetts who is a Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, or Unitil consumer. These companies sponsor Mass Save, and only approved heat pumps, installed by Mass Save-qualified contractors, qualify for the rebates.

If you are interested in taking advantage of the whole-home heat pump rebates, you will need to have an energy assessment performed prior to the installation. The results of this assessment will help you determine the right size of heat pump for your home.

After the assessment is complete, you’ll receive a free estimate from a contractor who is part of the Mass Save installer network. They’ll work with you to make sure you understand the benefits of heat pumps and the cost-effectiveness of the upgrade.

Then, you can decide if you’re ready to go ahead with the installation. You can pay for the installation up front, or if you are eligible for a HEAT Loan, you may qualify for 0% financing on the cost of your new heat pump system.

In addition to the 0% financing, you can save up to $25,000 with your new system. It’s worth the investment to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce your energy bill.

Partial-Home/Supplemental Rebates: These rebates are based on equipment size (tons of cooling capacity) and are available for customers who install air source heat pumps to supplement their existing oil or propane-backup heating system. They require integrated controls, which are designed to automatically switch between the heat pump and fossil fuel back-up system when it makes the most sense to use the fossil system.

This type of control is called an “integrated thermostat” and can be installed in any fossil fuel back-up system. These thermostats can help you maximize the energy efficiency of your heating system by automatically switching between the heat pump and your fossil-fuel back-up during milder weather. This is an especially good idea for homes where the primary heating source is a fossil fuel back-up system that needs to be kept running all year round.